Friday, February 27, 2015


MUSCLES………. I'm sure some look at those pics of my arms when I am either flexing (bottom L, top R) or in when I am in the middle of an exercise (top L, bottom R) and say YIKES!!!  I know cause even sometimes I see myself when I am lifting and think… "Holy Shiz Haley!" haha.

But then I see my arm when it's relaxed (middle) and see my arms look like any normal persons.  However, I feel strong because I know there is some awesome stuff in there!  That "stuff" AKA "muscle" helps me:

BOOST my metabolism and BURN more calories throughout my day

I am less likely to get injured training, playing a sport, getting out of my car or playing with my kids

Gives me that "toned" look

Reduces my risk of heart disease

Muscles help me perform everyday tasks better with less oxygen making life easier on my heart

I KNOW that in later years, even now in my 30s, I will start to lose muscle mass, so while I can I am going to work for all the muscle I can get

Do I need to keep going?! because I can…… 

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