Tuesday, June 27, 2017


The Grind Includes Friday.....

I want to welcome my weekend with a big dose of endorphins and a workout that makes me feel awesome when it's done.   So Just now I put together a cardio workout that uses a treadmill and body weight exercises that can be done right behind it.


Fast pace run or walk for .25 miles ( about 2 mins ) make this challenging
THEN, 10 reps of each of exercise in the list
REPEAT 5 times for a total of 500 body weight reps and over a mile+ on the treadmill.

I'll post a video of the last ab exercise.... I have no idea how to describe them.  I just made the name up.  Like literally, just now.  But it's a fun move! #fithappens #tgif

Monday, June 26, 2017

MMWU: Pyramid Style

MMWU: pyramid style!  Meaning the reps get lower and lower as you go down the list!  THEN, when you reach the last exercise in the list you are going to go back up the list in reverse order. Going from bottom to the top.  Repeat as needed. 

Good luck to my ladies and gents doing my Summer Lean Out trainer!  Today you are going to rock that Monday 'Sweat It Out' workout!  I'm loving the messages/emails/DMs of your hard work!  Keep it up! If you want to jump on the Summer Trainer wagon with us it's located on the right hand side of my blog!  #mondaymotivation #nevermissamonday 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

6-Week Summer Lean Out Trainer

6-Week Summer Lean Out Trainer:

Here it is!  This trainer is jam packed with exercises for your muscles, HIIT, circuits, active rests..... all the while utilizing high repetitions on the weight floor.  It's probably my most sweaty trainer to date.  Every day is spelled out for you including what you should do post weights for cardio.  

You can expect to get loose and sweaty with Monday 'Sweat It Out' workouts.  You will hit every major muscle group Tues-Friday with Thursday being a single muscle focus and a short HIIT workout.  Saturday get ready for interval/HIIT cardio that is spelled out for you, literally,  minute by minute and Sunday for a day of rest!

You're going to LOVE it!  Get ready to shed that stubborn fat!  Can't wait to start it myself!

P.S. you do not have to have a paypal account to purchase.  When you hit the green 'Buy Now' tab it will take you to the paypal site but there is an option to use a card as well.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Back and Core: MMWU


using a stability ball/exercise ball with plyos.  3 rounds of each circuit.  I have posted a video of all exercises before in my feed.  You can also search the hashtag FITHAPPENSWORKOUTS and find them there.  Happy Monday!!

One more week until my Summer Lean Out program is here!!!!!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


A lot because of this....... Exercise and sometimes extreme stress cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue.  The amino acids contained in ACV act as an antidote.  AND, ACV contains potassium and enzymes that may relieve that tired feeling.  So next time your feeling beat, add a TBS or 2 to whatever helps you gag it down.

I have found OJ to be the best helper to get it down.  Not gonna lie, it's brutal on its own.... don't let anyone tell you different.

There are SOOOOO many other uses for it from help with aging spots to warts to bug bites to lowering blood pressure.  #fithappens #acv