Friday, November 29, 2013


I'm so excited to do this for anyone who is interested in my 12-week Training Program!  I have had awesome feedback from the people who have purchased my program and are currently in training.  You guys, this is something worth having and keeping!!!  It is a great program and super easy to follow.  Considering the time it took me to write this program (ahhhhh, I cringe at the thought of writing another one some day ;)) I am more than happy to put it out there for a special price.  This is your opportunity to get it for cheap and I want more people to get there hands on it and love it as much as I do and as much as others who have started it.  Purchase it today, put it on your shelf or in a folder on your computer/phone and save it for after the holidays.  Then when you are ready to kick it in gear at the beginning of a new year, this is your ticket to get you a body you can be proud of in 3 months.  After the 3 months, you will have tons of knowledge about weight training and will LOVE seeing how your body has changed.  I promise you will not want to stop!  

When this program is followed, it will have you swimsuit, vacation, competition, bikini, summer, wedding, etc., whatever you want to call it- READY!


The program is 42 pages. The program is NOT just 12 weeks worth of workouts randomly thrown at you.  It will guide you through 3 specific muscle building phases.  Each phase is 4 weeks long.  Each phase has you lifting specified sets/reps (I never suggest the amount of weight to use because we are all on different fitness levels).  Each phase has it's own purpose to make your body react and prepare it for the next phase.  A weight training program is to be done in a certain process.  Phase 1 differs from phase 2, and phase 2 differs from phase 3.  It all comes together nicely at the end to have you _________ READY! 


You.  Your best friend.  Sister.  Aunt.  Mother.  Brother.  I have spent most of my training days doing it on my own.  I have friends pop in here and there and train with me.  Either way I am happy.  If weight training is new to you, grab a buddy and split the cost and do this together!  You will have tons of fun and someone to hold you accountable.  This program is perfect if you are just getting started and learning your way around the weight room!  Nothing in the program is over the top and tricky.  All exercises are basic and it covers a lot of different moves.  No two workouts are the same!


Yes, you will need access to a gym.  Although, I do most of my lifting with free weights (dumbbells, barbells) as opposed to machines.  I am sorry for those who like to workout from home.  For myself, there is nothing better than giving your body a good ol' squat with a smith machine/squat rack or the burn you get from a leg extension machine, cable machine or leg press and many more!  You can try to sub in things to target the same muscle from home, but you will get better/faster results with equipment that a training facility offers.


 On average, each workout is 1-hour.  I assembled this program for you to spend the least amount of time in the gym, yet still have effective workouts.  I recognize that people who actually find time to incorporate workouts in their busy life are serious about working out and just want to get in the gym and get out.  Especially for people like me, a mother!  I want to show you that you don’t have to live in the gym or workout for 2 hours to get a body that is right for you!


 Yes.  There is cardio.  After each weight training session there is a suggested cardio, duration,  and style- either HIIT (high intensity interval training) still don't understand what that is?  Don't worry, every term is explained in the program.  Or you will have steady state cardio.  No cardio is ever longer than 30 minutes.  


Every term or abbreviation in the program is defined for you.  You will understand what a SUPERSET is or what DB (dumbbell) means because I explain it for you.  You will have a source to turn to when you are not sure what a Single Arm Tricep Extension is.  And also keep in mind, you don't ever have to do what the exercise is asking.  If you are asked to do lateral raises or jumping jacks and either of these moves are things you don't like, you can always do something different as a substitute: shoulder press or jog in place.  Heck, you can even email me or text me anytime and I would be more than happy to help you out!  Even better, you are more than welcome to tag along with me at the gym.  I plan to start up my program again at the new year.


Many different HIIT routines you can choose from using a treadmill, elliptical, or stair master.  A complete recommended food list guide from all food groups, a basic nutritional guide to follow, 2 day sample meal plan, recommended supplements that we should all be taking everyday, tips for grocery store shopping, how to calculate your BMR to know how many calories you should be eating per day to gain, lose or maintain weight, other fitness tips, and ways to stay motivated.  


You will purchase the training program through paypal.  You do not have to have a paypal account to purchase.  The 42 page document will be emailed right to you directly after your purchase is made.  This makes it available for you to save to your computer and print off when you are ready.  Or the email makes it available right to your phone.

I want this program to change your life and that your fitness journey doesn’t end when the 12 weeks is up.  I hope you learn a lot about your body over the 12-week program and that it becomes your new everyday lifestyle.  Give this program 100% effort and you will be amazed at the transformation your body will make.  The goal is to shape your body and build beautiful lean muscles.  And above all, to become physically fit and healthy.  It is going to take hard work, consistency, dedication, determination, discipline and most importantly PATIENCE!  There is no magic pill you can take to get your body to transform.  It is going to take breaking a sweat and clean eating to get you where you want to be.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Here is your full body workout for Thanksgiving Day!  Making exercise a priority early especially on a holiday means you will be less likely to put it off and you will feel better about having your favorite holiday foods!  There is no reason why you can't partake in the holiday craze without guilt!!!  One meal/day of bad eating isn't going to make you fat, just like one meal/day of healthy eating isn't going to make you fit.  My advice is to ENJOY the day and food.  It's not about the calories or planning out your next days workout.  It's about enjoying the holiday, being around friends and family and making memories!  I do believe you will have a much happier day if you start it off with a great workout.  Any exercise is great.  Inside your own home, an outdoor run, or take this workout with you and head to the gym. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

FAQ- "I feel uncomfortable weight training around dudes"

I get emails from followers that ask me questions for tips/advice etc., so I thought I would answer some questions on my blog and Instagram that I get asked more than once because maybe they are questions you have or are curious about as well.  First of all, if you are someone who has asked me a question and I end up posting about it, DO NOT feel stupid.  I will never reveal names.  Instead of feeling stupid you should feel awesome because I am pretty positive that you are helping people out! I really enjoy and appreciate all the questions that I get.

"I feel uncomfortable weight training around dudes"

Well this obviously is not the first time women have mentioned or had a complaint about weight training around men.  Since there really are "women only gyms" and even the gym I go to regularly has a "women's only" workout room.  It is so, that weight training is more of a male dominant activity which may lead women astray to the idea of weight training around men.  In my own experience I find that men really DO NOT CARE if women are training in the same place as them.  I have actually been given very nice compliments from men about my knowledge of weight training.  I gather that most men seem impressed with a girl who knows her way around the gym.  I think women just feel a little self conscious and get thinking too much.

Like always, if you just don't feel comfortable then avoid the gym at rush hours.  Use the "womens only" section.  You can even set up your own section of the gym if your gym does not offer a womens only area.  Know your workout ahead of time and get the items you need and take them to an area and make that "your" section.  Just make sure to clean up after yourself and put things back.

And this may seem weird, but workout clothes do make a difference in how you feel at the gym.  I always go for comfort and something that isn't going to make me feel nervous.  Especially I avoid clothes that require a lot of adjusting and making sure areas stay covered.  And if being uncomfortable around men is an issue for you then cover up.  Skinny tanks that are not long enough or go down to low that show back, boobs, are only going to draw attention and mostly from dudes!  Also, if you feel you are not in your best shape at the moment then avoid too tight of clothes.  Then you won't need to worry about your belly or muffin top hanging, showing, jiggling etc. I feel my best in a workout top of any kind and this could be a basic T-shirt, my GapFit gFlex pants, and a hat.  I actually do my best when I wear a hat.....don't ask me why??!  I don't go to the gym for a fashion show or photo shoot.  I'm there to workout.  And if being all matchy-matchy is your style and that's what you feel comfy in, so be it.  I wish I could afford all those darling matching/color coordinated workout gear that LuLu Lemon has.  One outfit for every day please!!!!

Grab a friend to go with you.  Everything seems more fun and less scary when you got someone there with you.  If you don't have a workout buddy to go with you, a good ol' pair of headphones and tunes will do just the same.  Listening to music that pumps you up or just a good play list can drown out a lot of things you would notice without them.

Lastly, HAVE A PLAN!!!! Do not go to the gym without a workout ready to rock!  You will end up wandering aimlessly and these kind of people are easy to spot.  When you have no plan, your workout will not be great.  You will do your exercises half ass, I promise!  I have done this before and never again will I go without some sort of game plan.  What happens is you will more than likely end up at the cardio machines because you realize you look lost and suddenly you just aren't feeling your workout.

Just focus on your own self improvement! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Too Embarrassed For The Gym?!

I was sitting in the dentist office and came across this fit fact in "FITNESS" magazine.  It really got my attention.  Immediately the quote that I have always loved by Johnny Depp popped into my head.  Seriously, don't give a shit about what anybody thinks.  Do what you have to do for you.  ESPECIALLY when it comes to your health.  Then I thought to myself, I wonder how many people really do feel this way?!  If this is you, I ought to kick your butt!  Get a hold of me and PLEASE come workout with me!!! I work hard, sweat, and love every minute of it. 

First of all, if you are are not willing to sweat in the gym because you are intimidated at the gym because of people looking at you, not sure how to use equipment, machines, or how you feel in workout clothes or any other reasons I didn't mention.....what a lame excuse for not getting exercise.  There is no reason to avoid getting a good workout because you are embarrassed to go to the gym!  You have to remember that everybody has been in the same spot as you.  Even me.  I didn't walk into the gym and know exactly how to use a leg press machine, or the proper way to do a dumbbell lateral raise.  The people that go to the gym everyday had to start somewhere.  Just like I did.  Just like you will have to or had to.

And yes, you can get in great shape without a gym.  You don't need a gym to go running or to build muscles.  Push ups, squats, sit ups, dips, lunges are all great exercises to get you in better shape.  There is nothing wrong either with feeling like you need to start out this way before you feel comfortable to go to a gym.  

You can avoid the gym at busy hours.  Most evenings after work is a high traffic time at the gym.  I avoid this AT.ALL.TIMES!  I'm not there to socialize or stand in line to use a machine.  Early mornings are best, or odd ball afternoon times work too.  I have been to the gym at times where I feel like the only person there.

Don't compare your body to other people at the gym.  Everyone is on a different level and have different fitness goals.  Just focus on your own personal improvement and your own personal goals.  If I see a girl at the gym that looks amazing, I am more than happy for her.  She obviously has made a commitment to make changes in her life and stuck to it.  She wasn't born with that body.  If anything it motivates me more!  

Some machines might look complicated, but don't let that stop you from trying them.  Usually the little instructions on them do a pretty good job of telling you how to use it.  You would also be surprised at people who workout at the gym and how they would love to help you and show you.  All you need to do is ask.  People at the gym are usually pretty friendly.  I have had many people offer me a tip or show me a new way to do an exercise that I was currently doing.  I have also had many people give the nicest compliments too.  99.9% of the time they are not there to judge you.  And guess what?  They probably could care less about you sweating or what move you are doing.

I obviously have gotten to the point that I could care less what others think of me at the gym.  I do deadlifts and glute bridges (think humping the air) with no embarrassment at all.  Yes, I do try and avoid eye contact when I do these moves just because it can be awkward for you and the other person but I know the benefits these moves give my body and I won't let embarrassment keep me from busting them out because they work!

Gym time is ME time!  I usually put on some tunes or grab a buddy and just get to work.  I honestly don't even pay attention to people around me.  You are not truly committed until you stop making silly excuses.  Don't be embarrassed to go the gym.  Just Don't!!!  

Sunday, November 24, 2013


1- SMALL CHANGES CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE- Something as simple and small as subbing a glass of water for one of your sodas every day can eventually become a healthy habit that you will notice BIG changes and want to keep.  Before you know it you will be off soda and LOVE water.  Make small goals that are realistic and attainable that you can achieve on a frequent basis!

2- FITNESS IS NOT A DESTINATION, IT'S A WAY OF LIFE- Don't set an end date for your fitness goals. You may jump on a 12-week training program but those are designed to teach you about exercise and healthy eating in hopes to make it a permanent way of life.  They help you to get looking and feeling your best so that you will not want to go back to your old ways.

3-STRIVE FOR PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION- You will never be perfect.  Even the ones you see perfect in your eyes are not!  And they themselves don't see them as perfect either.  Fitness is about making continual improvements and progress.  Would you stop the moment you thought you were at perfect?  Probably not.  And if you kept going, you would continue to see changes happen and get even better.  There is no ending.  Just try to be better than you were yesterday.

4-IT ALWAYS SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE UNTIL IT'S DONE- Think of the main goals you want to accomplish.  Do you want to lose 20 pounds?  Run a 1/2 marathon?  These things might seem impossible to you right now, but given time and determination it can be done.  With enough patience and consistency, just about anything is possible.

5-IF IT DOESN'T CHALLENGE YOU, IT DOESN'T CHANGE YOU- If your 3 mile daily run is becoming a breeze, it is done changing you.  Try running that 3 miles in 1-2 mins faster.  You have to challenge yourself to be a better person.  Compete with yourself both mentally and physically if you want to continue to see changes.  If you are not feeling challenged then your body is winning.  You tell your body what to do, you are in control.

6-IF YOU WAIT FOR PERFECT CONDITIONS, YOU'LL NEVER GET ANYTHING DONE- You are desperate to make a change in your life, but something is holding you back.  Maybe because you still have too much junk food in your house, or you have a vacation coming up, or the holidays are just too hard.  Guess what? It doesn't matter.  Nothing will ever be perfect and just the way you want it.  You just have to start and learn to adapt when these things come up.  It's much easier to adapt once you have started than it is to get everything perfect before you start.

7-THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO ANY PLACE WORTH GOING- There are no shortcuts to a healthy lifestyle.  It takes breaking a sweat and hard work.  No pill, no wrap, no thinking of ways to bypass the hard work will get you what you are after.  Nothing in life worth doing comes easy.

8-GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE-It's easy to get caught in a cycle you are comfortable with.  We like what we eat and activities we do.  The thought of doing something different might make you nervous.  But why? It might change you for the better.  Don't get comfortable with doing bicep curls with 8 pounds.  It won't change you if you feel comfortable doing any sets.  Get uncomfortable and try for 10 pounds next time.  You just might dig that challenge.

9-EVERY ACCOMPLISHMENT STARTS WITH THE DECISION TO TRY- You have probably made an excuse at more than one point in your life about not doing something because of doubt.  But you will never really know until you try.  What do you want out of your life?  What do you want to accomplish with starting a fitness journey?  You will never know if you can reach that goal if you don't try.

10-EXERCISING IS SO DIFFICULT WHEN YOU HAVE TO AND SO EASY WHEN YOU WANT TO- I can't find a more true statement.  When you are having fun working out you will find yourself wanting to work out.  It's no fun and very difficult when you feel like you have to.  If you ever feel like you have to work out you need to take a break and re-evaluate your purpose and goals.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

1000 Rep Challenge

I'm sure you have all seen those "1000 Rep Challenges" and you think to yourself, "ya freaking right!" at least I do.  Well when your workout buddy says this is what we should do Saturday.  You just kind of go with it.  At least now I can cross it off my "things to never do" list and say I DID IT!!!  It took us 47 minutes-  WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!!! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


COR-FETTI CAKE BATTER Whey Protein powder.  Super clean! 1g of sugar and it even has itty bitty colorful sprinkles in the powder!  3 grams of carbs and 1 g of fat. Packed with BCAAs and for those who benefit, it is Gluten Free!!! Tastes delicious.  Smells like someone just baked a cake. and you can get 20% off your purchase plus free shipping with this code: 
great for protein shakes, mug cakes, pancakes, waffles, mixed in oats, muffins, protein yummy!! Go get you some.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stalled Weight Loss

I am pretty sure that some can say they have hit a weight loss plateau or seem to never be able to get past a certain number.  These plateaus are pretty normal if you have ever been on a fitness journey to lose weight.  The further along in you journey you get the more you body will want to resist that change.  The leaner you get the harder your body will fight to hold on to that extra fat.  

One common cause of stalled weight loss is, believe it or not...... depriving yourself of calories.  I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who come across a plateau will start reducing calories even more to get the scale to start budging.  But really all you are doing is putting your body in starvation mode which causes your body to slow down your metabolism to savor any calories it does get and this also allows your body to hang on to extra fat.  Your body can start to go under stress not knowing if it's going to get food ever again.  So it starts to hoard any it gets and cling onto existing fat.

Change things up and always have your body guessing.  Don't however change it up every single workout.  You should stick to something so you are able to reap all those benefits but it is not a bad idea to switch things up every 3-4 weeks to keep your body from adapting.  Rev up your workout a little.  Add an extra 15 minutes on to your workout.

Why are you even stepping on the scale so frequently anyway?!  Scale readings don't always match the progress you have made.  You can easily lose 5 honest pounds in one month and go to weight yourself and it still shows the same number it did at the beginning of the month.  Did you eat a little extra sodium the day before? Is it that time of month? Did you barely drink any water the day before?  These things can lead you to 5 extra water weight pounds over night which is different from 5 pounds of fat.

Don't overdo the cheat meals or your weekends.  Yes, cheat meals are a must when you are living a clean eating lifestyle.  I wouldn't be very happy if I never got to indulge.  But this has been my biggest plateau for me.  One cheat on the weekend can turn into 2 cheats and the next thing you know it's like a cheat fiesta all day or even worse the whole weekend.  Those extra calories do add up.  They really do cause set backs in your journey.

Be Patient!  Losing weight is like a marathon, not a 5K!  It can take months to years to lose weight and ideally be where you would want to be.  But really, you need to remember that any weight you have lost up until your plateau needs to be celebrated!  You have already done your health good by losing excess fat, exercising, and probably eating a healthy diet.  So give yourself a high five for even reaching a plateau, at least you made it there!!     

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Peanut Butter Banana Sushi Roll

I LOVE sushi of any kind!!  This is super yummy and so simple.

-1 LaTortilla Wrap ( warmed up of not )
-Spread 1-2 TBS almond butter on wrap
-mix one spoonful of plain non-fat Greek yogurt sweetened with stevia/honey etc..spread over almond butter
-place banana 
-roll up and cut

Saturday, November 16, 2013


This requires WALKING ONLY!  Perfect for when you just don't feel like running but still want a good sweat or you have a sore lower body that needs to get loosened up.  You decide how many times through you want to do it....TRUST ME, this is great!!!  You will be surprised the workout it gives you and how it gets you breathing hard.....P.S. I am 5'9" so I have longer legs to keep this pace at the increasing inclines.  Adjust the speed if you need to.  But the goal is to have a quick pace and pump those arms to help you keep up.  NEVER hold on to the treadmill at all during this.  If you feel you have to hold on then slow the speed to just barely under that urge to grab the bar!  Remember: get out of that comfort zone.  Today I did this 3X through (about 31 mins) and I was DRIPPING sweat!

Friday, November 15, 2013


You really have to lift HEAVY if you want to lean out and CHANGE your body!  And I know it's gross for some of you but you have to work out with INTENSITY and break out in a SWEATY MESS!  Lifting light weight over and over and over again WILL NOT change your body.  All you are doing is creating muscle endurance.  You can develop muscle endurance by just cardio alone: running, biking, playing a sport and even just walking. But if you are lifting, then lift!  If your goal in the gym is to CHANGE the shape of your body, lifting weights that make your muscles feel a burn isn't going to cut it.  Especially if you have a set of 12 reps and finish the last 2-3 reps like they were the first 1 or 2.....I mean really, does that make sense to you?  When you feel the burn, believe it or not that is a comfort zone.  You need to go one step higher and get out of that zone to where the magic happens.  If that requires you to go up 5 pounds in the weight you are lifting DO IT!  Barely or not being able to finish the last couple reps is what you should be aiming for!  That CHANGES your body!

Think about your last cardio session or weight training session......did anything great stand out about it. Do you look back on it and realize you totally just went through the motions.  Or you looked at instagram, read a book, talked on the phone, or looked at a magazine?  For me, I know these things would never happen.  I know my workout is kickin a$$ when I can barely carry on a conversation with the person next to me.  I know some of you are thinking.....I can't push myself that hard right now, or maybe you are older or have hurt knees/joints.  Everyone is on a different fitness level.  But you are still capable of pushing yourself to a level that is challenging for you!

Loooong drawn out cardio is a waste of time.  STOP. DOING. IT. NOW!! 1-2 times a week is fine to give your body a rest from intense cardio but other than that, jogging on a treadmill, ellipticalling ( not sure that's a word) while looking at a magazine may all feel good.  You might even like seeing those calorie counters on the machines go up in numbers but overall you are burning LESS than you would if you opted for weights or HIIT cardio.  And you are spending more time than needed in the gym.  So stop!  You are not getting the body you want.  You are wasting your time!

Doing those things is great for beginners and it's somewhere to start.  But don't get stuck in your ways and think its working cause you are feeling the 'burn.'  All you have done is built you up a comfort zone but you need to take it to the next level.  Our bodies are super smart and learn to adapt real fast.  You need to be in control and tell your body what to do.  Don't let your body tell you!  

lift LESS in between exercises!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Healthy Snack Idea

So I know not everyone is a fan of fruit in their cottage cheese.  As for me, it all depends on the fruit.  This little combo was actually delicious!  

- 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 2 TBS of Almond Butter
- 1 Banana
- sprinkle cinnamon on top

Do you stop eating after 6PM?

Calories eaten after 6:00, 7:00, or 8:00PM?  In fact you should stop eating at 7:27PM!!  Eating even 1 second past 7:27PM will automatically ruin your weightloss goals  and turn directly into fat immediately when the food hits your stomach!  JUST KIDDING!!!!  Calories eaten after a late night hour do not automatically turn to fat.  Our bodies have no idea what time it is.  Our bodies probably don't care what time it is.  Our body does not come with a switch that is flipped when it hits 6:00 or  7:00PM.  Eating 500 calories at 10:00PM is not any different than eating 500 calories at 10:00AM.  If your body is hungry it probably wants food, if it has had enough it doesn't need more but if you give it more, it will take it and do with it as it pleases.  When our bodies have had enough food for the day it probably says, "thank you for this extra food that I don't need, I'll just store it right here on your left butt cheek and use it later!" Eventually our bodies will run out of energy from burning calories and will use the next feeding for energy and that extra food stored on your butt just stays unless you burn it off on top of all the new stuff that was actually needed.

Your body uses calories the same way regardless of the time of day.  Our bodies don't clock out at a certain time.  Our bodies don't turn off its need for energy at a certain time.  Whether you store fat and gain weight because you eat late at night depends on the number of calories you ate throughout the entire day. Everybody is different and needs a different amount of calories to lose, gain, or maintain and then it's just the matter of eating that amount of calories, under-eating, or over-eating each day wether it gets burned or stored. So buying into the whole concept of not eating past a certain time of day all depends on your calories consumed up until that point. Also, the calories your body burned at rest PLUS any calories you burned if exercise took place has an effect on that number.  This is all scientific proven facts and not simply just my opinion.

While it makes sense to not want to go to bed on a full belly and be uncomfortable but you should not deny your body any food/energy if it's needed and definitely not because of the time of day.  If you still have room for calories to eat late at night it's best to eat healthy snacks.  Don't eat ice cream, fries, chips and dip in front of the T.V., those are the kind of calories that add up quick and can put you over the edge because you don't realize how much you have eaten.  Instead go for fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, low-fat plain Greek yogurt, or a small portion of nuts.  Even air popped popcorn can work!
Eating late isn't a problem.  OVEREATING is!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Welp, here you have me in all my pregnancy glory!  This is how I do it when I am pregnant.  Obviously working out and eating a healthy diet did not make my to do list.  In fact, with both of my pregnancies I put a freeze on my gym pass for one year.  I kicked my feet up and ate whatever sounded good to me.  With my first baby I weighed 208 on delivery day and with the 2nd I weighed 212.  I never really counted pregnancies as "transformations" since of course our belly is supposed to get bigger and we are supposed to gain weight.  Ok, maybe not gain 65+ pounds but what can I say?!  Doritos tasted AMAZING, hahaha and I think baby #2 liked them because he weighed just shy of 10lbs when he was born.  
So, then I got looking through these beautiful (wink, wink) pregnancy pictures and thought, WHAT IF I had just had my babies and never went back to the gym?  WHAT IF I never tried to get my body back?!  You can see from the pictures everything on me got bigger-legs, love handles, butt, face, arms, if I just never tried after my kids and lost that pregnant belly, I would still have all the extra right?  And knowing my body and how it responds to food and working out it is definitely something I have to work at.  I am not blessed with a natural ability to stay lean.  I have to fight it every day with every choice I make.  So I guess I am saying that I will count this as a "transformation" since both times I was able to fight my way back and lose 65-70 pounds.  It takes hard work, patience, and consistency.  Each picture of me above in swim suits is after each baby.  The black swim suit is after baby #1 and the red swim suit is 3 years after baby #2 which that picture is this past summer of 2013. 
 Our bodies can do so much if you just tell it to!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

5 Workouts and Meal Plan 11/11-11/16

Alright you guys.  Here is your entire week, Monday thru Friday already planned out and ready to go.  All you got to do is grab your phone or print it off and go.  There are no excuses now, you are prepared and will not fail!  The all new 5-day workout plan can be purchased for $5.00.  That is $1.00 per workout.  You will have new exercises and moves to challenge yourself with.  The week looks something like this and I have shared an exercise from each workout:

Monday-Quads (Plie Squats)
Tuesday- Chest/Triceps/Abs (Incline DB Fly)
Wednesday-Back/Biceps (Bent over Barbell Row)
Thursday-Shoulders/Abs (Side Plank)
Friday-Hamstrings/Glutes (Dumbbell Side Lunges)

 Legs get two days of coverage to hit all those major muscles of the lower body.  You will hit your quads, inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, and the booty.  Each workout has specific reps and sets listed.  You will also find supersets and my favorite thing to incorporate in your weight session, Active Rest!  HIIT cardio or Steady State cardio and the duration for each is suggested following each workout depending on what muscle group you trained for the day.  If you are uncertain of an exercise, google is a great for providing pictures/descriptions.  I also suggest for another source to explain and show you certain exercises.

A new 1890-ish calorie one day meal plan that consists of 6 meals that you would repeat for seven days (one includes a post workout shake) and the calorie, protein, carb, and fat breakdown of each meal.  I like to space the meals by 2-3 hours throughout the day to help promote a healthy metabolism and keeps you burning fat.  This one day meal plan allows you to buy what you need for the entire week and use what you buy.  This way food usually doesn't go to waste and end up in the trash.  The meal plan I provide is simply a suggestion or to give you an idea.  It is nothing fancy.  If you know me at all, I am NOT a cook.  When I come across a recipe that starts calling for all these fancy spices, ingredients, cooking methods etc., I lose interest real fast.  I like SIMPLE!  I season most things with Mrs. Dash (salt free) and thats about as fancy as it gets.  So that being said, if gourmet and fancy is your cooking style, this meal plan is not for you.  I am throwing this meal plan in with the 5-day workout for $2.  Instead of one trip this week for fast food, replace that money spent for a weeks worth of workouts and a healthy meal plan for $7.00. 

So for $5.00 you can have 5 workouts and for $2.00 a meal plan that covers six meals you can use for a week!  The BUY NOW button is linked directly to PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal account to purchase) and the 5-day workout and meal plan will be available for immediate download and/or it will also be emailed to you.  This way you can print it off from your computer or pull it up right on your phone.

5 Workouts and Meal Plan

Meal Plan Only

5 Workouts Only

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I love Saturdays because that gives me a little more extra time in kitchen and rush to get kids fed and off to school.  I pulled up and oldie but a goodie from my Instagram feed (@haleya_fit_happens) and made these DELICIOUS Sweet Potato Protein Pancakes.  If you love sweet potatoes you will LOVE these.  

Take a small/medium size sweet potato and wrap in saran wrap and microwave for 6 mins.  Peel skin and cut into cubes.
In a blender:
-add sweet potato last for chunky or throw in right away for smooth
-1/4 cup oats
-4 egg whites
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1 packet stevia/truvia or the like
-1/2 tsp baking powder
-1/2 scoop of protein powder (you decide that flavor)

Spray pan and cook on low heat like regular pancakes
Top them off with whatever you would like!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Squats and Deadlifts- a girl's best friend!

SQUATS and DEADLIFTS are a few of the best exercises you can do for your body!  Every woman should be doing these in their weight training sessions.  Yes, it does require you to put down the pink or colorful dumbbells and get under a Barbell or grab ahold of the big black ones in the mens section, but seriously ladies, these exercises will make you stronger and sculpt your body faster!  These truly shape your lower half in many areas...especially the Butt!  Squats and Deadlifts require so many other muscles in your body to perform them when done correctly and the calorie burn at the end of a set is comparable to a 30 min run on a treadmill.  Just do it!
SQUATS and DEADLIFTS- a girl's best friend!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Inspire Me Monday!

But not for you!!  I have some super simple easy tips on how to start your Monday out right and stay motivated all week long.  Follow these steps and you won't be looking at your week after Tuesday saying, "WTF?!?"
I know a lot of us say, "Monday, it's on! I'm starting on Monday! Back on the clean eating wagon starting Monday (I am first to admit, I do this ALL THE TIME).  Then Monday comes and something goes wrong or we snack on something we know we shouldn't and for some reason that flips a switch and you are back in that excuse making slacker wagon saying, "tomorrow, or I'll start Monday....." NOT THIS WEEK!!  This week can be different if we really fight hard and make it a successful week.
#1- Plan your workouts for the entire week!  Monday thru Saturday.  Sit down and write on paper or make a new note in your phone with what you are going to do for exercise everyday.  By planning your workout I don't mean just writing out: Monday-Triceps, biceps, abs.  Tuesday-cardio. Wednesday-shoulders, legs etc.  What are you going to do for triceps and biceps on Monday?  What exercises? How many sets/reps?  Doing this makes your workouts more effective and you won't waste time. This is one of my most important tips of advice I can give for results, consistency, and creating a habit. 
#2- Dedicate a time for each workout.  I prefer morning workouts.  I am usually back home before anyone in my house is awake too.  It doesn't require making babysitting arrangements, daycare, or waiting for the hubby to get off work.  I don't feel rushed and I don't have to worry about something possibly interfering with a 6:00AM workout.  Nothing is better than knowing that by 7:30AM I am all done with my workout for the entire day.  Early morning workouts give me more energy, leaves no room for an excuse to pop up to cause me to miss my workout, and BEST OF ALL it leaves me in a GREAT mood!  If you save your workouts for later in the day or evenings just for the extra sleep, try working out first thing in the AM for one week and see how it goes, I promise you will LOVE it!
#3- Plan your meals and snacks in advance.  This is such a pain I know, but if you just do it you have already won half the battle!  Plan for 3 meals and snacks in between.  Always include a healthy bedtime snack and this meal doesn't matter if you have it literally 10 minutes before you close your eyes.  Prepping this way keeps your metabolism burning all day and you won't be caught hungry and reaching for whatever is in front of you.  One helpful food trick I have found for myself is that when I prepare a meal I make double.  This way you have tomorrow's breakfast/lunch/or dinner ready to go.  Or if you have the time to prep on Sunday nights for a half the week then that is great too!  Never leave the house without a snack.  Keep an apple, mixed nuts/almonds, protein bar in your purse always! Most importantly, always have water with you, ALWAYS!
#4- Lay your clothes out the night before.  Including your socks and shoes.  This helps me a lot since 5:30AM is pretty early to be searching for matching shoes or clothes out of my workout drawer that can work together and not look like I picked my clothes out in the dark.  
#5- Get yourself a workout buddy or a group that will hold you accountable.  Knowing that someone is counting on you to show up really forces your butt out of bed!  If you don't have a workout buddy that is actually there with you when you workout, you can find someone to report to and they can report to you.  Tell each other how your workout went and hold each other accountable for getting in that workout for the day.  Friends don't let friends miss workouts ;)

FINALLY- Never Give Up!!!  
Even if you screw up, don't jump in that excuse wagon!  Just pick yourself up next meal, snack, workout or whatever it may be!  Tell yourself you do not need another Monday to start.  Do not let your week turn into,

Saturday, November 2, 2013

5 Workouts and Meal Plan 11/3-11/9

Here you have it.  Your entire week, Monday thru Friday already planned out and ready to go.  All you got to do is grab your phone or print it off and go.  The all new 5-day workout plan can be purchased for $5.00.  That is $1.00 per workout.  You will have new exercises and moves to challenge yourself with.  The week looks something like this and I have shared an exercise from each workout:

Monday-Quads (Narrow Stance Squats)
Tuesday- Chest/Triceps/Abs (Overhead Tricep Extension)
Wednesday-Back/Biceps (Close Grip Barbell Curl)
Thursday-Shoulders/Abs (Car Drivers...a weight plate that you hold out in front of you like a steering wheel and turn, turn, turn, turn, will feel the burn)
Friday-Hamstrings/Glutes (Squat Jumps holding exercise ball or weight)

 Legs get two days of coverage to hit all those major muscles of the lower body.  You will hit your quads, inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, and the booty.  Each workout has specific reps and sets listed.  You will also find supersets and my favorite thing to incorporate in your weight session, Active Rest!  HIIT cardio (and I have listed my favorite HIIT routine in the workout) or Steady State cardio and the duration for each is suggested following each workout depending on what muscle group you trained for the day.  If you are uncertain of an exercise, google is a great for providing pictures/descriptions.  I also suggest for another source to explain and show you certain exercises.

A new 1,640-ish calorie one day meal plan that consists of 6 meals that you would repeat for seven days (one includes a post workout shake) and the calorie, protein, carb, and fat breakdown of each meal.  I like to space the meals by 2-3 hours throughout the day to help promote a healthy metabolism and keeps you burning fat.  This one day meal plan allows you to buy what you need for the entire week and use what you buy.  This way food usually doesn't go to waste and end up in the trash.  The meal plan I provide is simply a suggestion or to give you an idea.  It is nothing fancy.  If you know me at all, I am NOT a cook.  When I come across a recipe that starts calling for all these fancy spices, ingredients, cooking methods etc., I lose interest real fast.  I like SIMPLE!  I season most things with Mrs. Dash (salt free) and thats about as fancy as it gets.  So that being said, if gourmet and fancy is your cooking style, this meal plan is not for you.  I am throwing this meal plan in with the 5-day workout for $2.  Instead of one trip this week for fast food, replace that money spent for a weeks worth of workouts and a healthy meal plan for $7.00. 

So for $5.00 you can have 5 workouts and for $2.00 a meal plan that covers six meals you can use for a week!  The BUY NOW button is linked directly to PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal account to purchase) and the 5-day workout and meal plan will be available for immediate download and/or it will also be emailed to you.  This way you can print it off from your computer or pull it up right on your phone.

5 Workouts and Meal Plan
Meal Plan Only

5 Workouts Only

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hello November!

I sure welcomed November this morning!  I combined my last two workouts together but only had enough umph to do the arc trainer for 1 round.  I recommend that workout on a non leg day.....YIKES! The leg day workout alone is cardio in itself.  If you push through all the sets with 1 minute of rest like it says you will be getting your cardio done for the day all while sculpting those muscles.  
I wore my Polar FT4 watch for my workout this morning and when I wear that thing it means I going to get after it.  I love this watch!  It is awesome for monitoring your heart rate which you can set up to see if you are staying in or out of the zone.  At the end of your workout it will also show you your max and minimum heart rate level.  Also it records calories burned.  This morning my workout was around 50 mins and my total burn was around 630 calories (I forgot to turn it off while I sat around for 10 mins).  It's easy to use and stores your workouts so you can go back and compare.  I got mine off Amazon for around $60-$70.
This workout gave me much needed motivation to push through this month and all the festivities that are headed our way!